David Scheirman, Präsident der Audio Engineering Society, besucht Wien am Montag, den 28.5.2018. Es hat sich kurzfristig eine Gelegenheit für einen Vortrag gefunden.
Daher laden wir Sie zu einem AES-ARI-Talk von David Scheirman ein:
- Back to the Future, a Technology Project Review: Outdoor Sound Reinforcement of Symphony and Opera for Extremely Large Audiences
- Termin: Montag, 28.5.2018 um 17:00h
- Ort: Institut für Schallforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Wien, Vortragsraum (Erdgeschoß)
- . Danach steht Herr Scheirman allen AES Mitgliedern für Fragen zur Verfügung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Veranstaltung auf Englisch stattfinden wird.
David Scheirman began his sound reinforcement career in the 1970's as a tour sound technician. He has worked as a concert mixer and event sound designer, handling over 3,000 theater, arena and stadium shows in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. Within the professional audio industry, he founded Concert Sound Consultants, Inc. and has held positions with PA rental firms, an installed system integrator, an electroacoustical measurement laboratory, a computer-controlled audio system developer, a networking technology R&D firm, and a leading professional loudspeaker manufacturer. He is currently Director, Global Concert & Rental Business for Bose Professional. He is AES President for the 2017-18 term of office.
Abstract zum Vortrag: Serving audiences up to 200,000 persons for outdoor operatic and symphonic programs, a fully-distributed portable sound reinforcement system was deployed in public parks throughout New York City including Central Park. Supporting onstage sound from a tensile-membrane acoustical shell designed in a 36m (118 ft) wide and 21m (68 ft) high pyramid-like structure for the US $3.385M outdoor music pavilion, 24 battery-powered, digitally-delayed portable loudspeaker towers received wireless transmissions from a centrally-located mixing position to cover asymmetrical audience areas. A 24m (78 ft) wide stage area was served with only seven microphones. From 1991-95, the author led a team to deploy and operate this futuristic outdoor sound reinforcement system, pioneering innovative and advanced technologies now taken for granted. System design attributes and operating principles are detailed.